Monday 4 October 2010

Improving our class settings written last week

Blue group worked on the computers to edit our group setting from last week. Here is a selection of their writing unaltered by Mr Bagge.

The door shows you the lovely, delicious lunches and the Abbotswood School behaviour code. The uneven brown rough floor waits silently for excited children to sit on it.  The dusty old murky rubbish filled cupboard, with bags and shoe boxes on top, waits calmly. The cold, smooth desks wait for children to come and work on them.
Jade W

The murky green, ancient door shows you the scrumptious lunches and the Abbotswood School behaviour code. The brown hairy floor waits calmly for excited children to sit silently on it. The old dull green junk filled cupboard, with plastic bags and shoe boxes on top stands gracefully. The smooth, wooden desks wait for educated children to come and work on them. The colourful laminated balloons stuck on the wall wait silently for the children to return to school. The substantial Maths display brightens the classroom with all its impressive sums. On the cream wall the chromatic VCOP super heroes eagerly wait to be needed in power write and power discussion in all their unique poses. We have behaviour frogs which are grassy green, sunny yellow and fiery red. Mr Bagge’s beige desk has one laptop and one computer some tissues and a photograph of his family on it.
Eve M

The brown rough door shows you the delicious scrumptious lunches and the floor waits calmly for approvingly children to sit on it.  The old murky green rubbish filled cupboard, with bags and shoe boxes on top, waits calmly.  The smooth desks wait for children to come and work on them.
Lenny S

The smooth pastle green door shows you the smelling delicious lunches and the Abbotswood School behaviour code.  The brown rough floor waits calmly for excited money children to sit on it.  The old murky green rubbish filled cupboard, with bags and shoe boxes on top, waits calmly. Mr Bagge’s smooth desk has one little black laptop and one shiney computer and some tissues and a photograph on it.

The dusty pastel  green  door shows you the delicious, scrumptious   school lunches and the light green Abbotswood School behaviour code.  The rough brown carpet waits calmly for excited children to sit on it.  The old murky green rubbish filled cupboard, with bags and shoe boxes on top, waits calmly.

We have behaviour frogs which are grassy green, sunny yellow and fiery red. Mr Bagge’s desk has one laptop and one computer some tissues and a beautiful photograph on it. The dull green door shows you the delicious scrumptious lunches and the Abbotswood School behaviour code. The brown rough floor waits calmly for excited children to sit on it. The old murky green rubbish filled cupboard, with bags and shoe boxes on top, waits silently.
Matthew M

The smooth door shows you the delicious scrumptious lunches and the Abbotswood School behaviour code.  The brown rough floor waits quietly for cheerful children to sit on it.  The old murky green rubbish filled cupboard, with plastic bags and card board shoe boxes on top, waits calmly.  The smooth desks wait for children to come and work on them.  The colourful plastic balloons stuck on the wall wait silently for the children to return to school.  The substantial Maths display lights up the classroom with all its impressive fantastic sums.  On the bumpy cream wall the chromatic VCOP super heroes eagerly wait to be needed in power write and power discussion in all their great unique posies. We have behaviour frogs which are grassy green, sunny happy and fiery red. Delight Mr Bagge’s desk has one laptop and one computer some tissues and an excellent photograph on it.
Charlotte S

1 comment:

  1. Really good classroom discriptions, its nice to be able to look at the childrens work on this blog.
    Mandy Wiltshire


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