Tuesday 5 April 2011

My start of a myth by Eve

On an undiscovered planet there was a dutiful fashion designer By the
name of Debra. Toykota her planet was renown for their fantastic
clothing. Debra was THE best at designing clothes on her planets. At
midnight one day, she bumped into an alien and boasted. She told the
alien she was better than Kaylie the goddess of fashion. Soon he
warned her not to say that or she will anger the gods and goddesses.
She was so good that the stars spelled her name whenever she started
to sketch her next line of alien fashion. However, she was very
arrogant. She boasted about her marvellous designs to whoever passed

1 comment:

  1. Eve, this is really good. I'm looking forward to the rest of the myth.
    Teresa Aburrow
    James' mum
    Blog supporter


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