Thursday 2 December 2010

Snow Poems or Snow Descriptions

School is closed today Thursday 2nd December
Write a snow poem or snow description and publish it here.
Comment as anonymous
First names only

First go out in the snow feel it and look at it
Second write a list of words that describe the feel and look of the snow
Finally write your poem on our blog


  1. In the new garden, new fallen snow lay upon the washing line as it still snows at 2 minutes past 8 o clock. The plants are coated in thick snow. On top of the rusty garage the snow is 10cm tall and 2m wide.

  2. Despite the sun coming out,i love the snow.
    The snow is twinkly white and flakey like a tree with loose leafs hanging as the wind blows. When it lays on the lopsided ground it gets so thick like a brick.In the large garden the snow falls and makes fresh new layers.We have fun in the layers making snowballs,snowmen as well as angels and laughing. The snow looks like wonderful fluffy puff balls, wet and squiggy. It feels like powder,quite loose plus it feels solid when it turns into ice.
    I LOVE THE SNOW!!! :-)

  3. It feels flufy like a cloud and as soft as a bit of fur. Its white like a piece of paper and as cold as an ice-burg. when you step on it it sounds like a hedgehog crunching. Our chikens wont go on it. You can make snow balls out of it and you can skwash it to make shapes and other stuff. It looks shiny, gleamy.

  4. Snow feels soft and cold, it also looks fun to play in especially when it is deep. It looks like rows of cotton wool on the trees when it has snowed. It looks flaky, crumbly and sparkly. When I woke up this morning and I looked out of the window I saw white, white, white and white. When I felt some snow for the first time it felt really flaky and it dropped out of my hand. Amy

  5. The glistening snow settled calmly upon the peacful grass.When I walk steadily over the silky snow it crunchs like when you break a stick.It feels powdery, it looks all pale and soft.The snow on the trees look pretty because it looks like the tree is wearing a substanil coat also it looks like a winter wonderland.

  6. the first cooment was Eve.

  7. The snow on the ground and on the trees makes everything light as the colour is white.
    It makes a crackling and crunchy sound, which lets people hear that you are around.
    When it snows you can have lots of fun, on your sledge, building a snowman or an igloo so theres always lots of things to do.


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